Eastern Arizona College: Tabular Data

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PO Box 769
Thatcher, AZ 85552-0769
Tel: (520)428-8322; Admissions: (928)428-8247; Fax: (520)428-8462; E-mail: admissions@eac.edu; Web Site: http://www.eac.edu/
President/CEO: Gherald L. Hoopes, Jr.
Registrar: Ralph Orr
Admissions: Jeff Savage
Financial Aid: Melvin Jones

Type: Two-Year College

Sex: Coed

Affiliation: Arizona State Community College System

Admission Plans: Open Admission; Early Admission; Deferred Admission

Application Deadline: Rolling

Application Fee: $0.00

H.S. Requirements: High school diploma or equivalent not required

Costs Per Year: Application fee: $0. State resident tuition: $1008 full-time, $42 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $5988 full-time, $87 per credit part-time. Full-time tuition varies according to course load. Part-time tuition varies according to course load. College room and board: $3800. College room only: $1895. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility.

Scholarships: Available

Calendar System: Semester, Summer Session Available

Enrollment: FT 1,618, PT 2,307

Faculty: FT 68, PT 99

Student-Faculty Ratio: 24:1

Exams: SAT I or ACT

% Residing in College-Owned, -Operated, or -Affiliated Housing: 5

Regional Accreditation: North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

Credit Hours For Degree: 64 semester hours, Associates

Intercollegiate Athletics: Baseball M; Basketball M & W; Football M; Softball W; Volleyball W

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