Alabama State University: Narrative Description
915 South Jackson St.
Montgomery, AL 36101-0271
Tel: (334)229-4100
Free: 800-253-5037
Admissions: (334)229-4291
Fax: (334)229-4984
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State-supported, comprehensive, coed. Part of Alabama Commission on Higher Education. Awards associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees and post-master's certificates. Founded 1867. Setting: 172-acre urban campus. Endowment: $20.5 million. Research spending 2003-04: $2.4 million. Educational spending 2003-04: $3844 per student. Total enrollment: 5,653. Faculty: 396 (231 full-time, 165 part-time). Student-undergrad faculty ratio is 15:1. 8,827 applied, 51% were admitted. Full-time: 4,145 students, 59% women, 41% men. Part-time: 544 students, 64% women, 36% men. Students come from 39 states and territories, 5 other countries, 35% from out-of-state, 0.1% Native American, 0.2% Hispanic, 95% black, 0.1% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 0.3% international, 17% 25 or older, 43% live on campus, 4% transferred in. Academic areas with the most degrees conferred: education; business/marketing; computer/information sciences. Core. Calendar: semesters. Academic remediation for entering students, advanced placement, honors program, double major, summer session for credit, part-time degree program, adult/continuing education programs, co-op programs and internships, graduate courses open to undergrads. Off campus study at National Student Exchange. Study abroad program. ROTC: Army (c), Naval.
Entrance Requirements:
Options: Common Application, early admission, deferred admission. Required: high school transcript, minimum 2.0 high school GPA. Recommended: SAT or ACT. Entrance: minimally difficult. Application deadline: 7/30. Notification: continuous.
Costs Per Year:
Application fee: $0. State resident tuition: $4008 full-time, $167 per credit part-time. Nonresident tuition: $8016 full-time, $334 per credit part-time. College room and board: $3700. College room only: $1980. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and housing facility.
Collegiate Environment:
Orientation program. Drama-theater group, choral group, marching band, student-run newspaper. Social organizations: 50 open to all; national fraternities, national sororities; 2% of eligible men and 2% of eligible women are members. Most popular organizations: Student Orientation Services Leaders, Voices of Praise Gospel Choir, Student Government Association, University bands, Commuter Student Association. Major annual events: Founders' Day Convocation, Fall Convocation, Ms. ASU Coronation. Student services: health clinic, personal-psychological counseling. Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late night transport-escort service, self-defense education, well-lit campus. 2,380 college housing spaces available; 2,369 were occupied in 2003-04. Options: men-only, women-only housing available. Levi Watkins Learning Center with 396,871 books, 2.6 million microform titles, 1,307 serials, 42,319 audiovisual materials, an OPAC, and a Web page. Operations spending 2003-04: $1.7 million. 380 computers available on campus for general student use. Computer purchase/lease plans available. A campuswide network can be accessed from off-campus. Staffed computer lab on campus.
Community Environment:
Population approximately 200,000. Capital of Alabama. A city known for its stately homes, many of which belong to the antebellum days. The city is also known for its magnolia trees, its southern traditions and culture, and its southern hospitality. Excellent air and highway connections. Montgomery is the home of the Alabama State Capitol Building, the first capital of the Confederacy, the Department of Archives and History, the Montgomery Public Library, Maxwell Air Force Base and Gunter Field, the Air University, and the very large Garrett Coliseum. The South Alabama State Fair, Southern Horse Show, an annual rodeo, an annual indoor track tournament, and other similar functions are held in the Garrett Coliseum. Located here is the First White House of the Confederacy, the home of the Jefferson Davis when Montgomery was the Confederate Capital.
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Alabama State University: Narrative Description
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