cu·bic / ˈkyoōbik/ • adj. having the shape of a cube: a cubic room. ∎ denoting a unit of measurement equal to the volume of a cube whose side is one of the linear unit specified: 15 billion cubic meters of water. ∎ measured or expressed in such units. ∎ involving the cube (and no higher power) of a quantity or variable: a cubic equation. ∎ of or denoting a crystal system or three-dimensional geometric arrangement having three equal axes at right angles.• n. Math. a cubic equation, or a curve described by one.DERIVATIVES: cu·bi·cal·bi·cal·ly / -ik(ə)lē/ adv.
cubic (isometric) One of the seven crystal systems and the one with the highest number of symmetry elements present. It is characterized by four triad axes of symmetry, and requires three crystallographic axes of equal lengths intersecting at right angles.