semi-natural community

views updated Jun 27 2018

semi-natural community Vegetation altered by human influence or management in the past, which has taken on a natural aspect owing to the length of time over which the influences have persisted. For example, heathland and chalk grassland in Great Britain have long been subject to management and members of each community have adapted to it. In chalk grassland many plant species are low-growing rosette plants which avoid being grazed. Compare near-natural community.

semi-natural community

views updated May 14 2018

semi-natural community Vegetation altered by human influence or management in the past, which has taken on a natural aspect owing to the length of time over which the influences have persisted. For example, heathland and chalk grassland in Great Britain have long been subject to management and members of each community have adapted to it. In chalk grassland many plant species are low-growing rosette plants which avoid being grazed. Compare NEAR-NATURAL COMMUNITY.

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