scarp-and-vale topography

views updated May 08 2018

scarp-and-vale topography A landscape consisting of a roughly parallel sequence of cuestas (scarps and dip slopes) and intervening valleys (‘vales’). It is typically found on uniclinal (homoclinal) structures whose beds show differing lithological composition and consequently varied resistance to denudation. It dominates most of lowland Britain, which is characterized by Mesozoic sediments dipping gently towards the east and south-east.

scarp-and-vale topography

views updated May 14 2018

scarp-and-vale topography A landscape that consists of a roughly parallel sequence of cuestas (scarps and dip slopes) and intervening valleys (‘vales’). It dominates most of lowland Britain, where Mesozoic sediments dip gently towards the east and south-east.

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