mud mound

views updated May 08 2018

mud mound A build-up of carbonate sediment in the form of a bank or mound, dominated by mud. The accumulation of mud occurs by its deposition in the lee of in situ organisms, such as corals (Anthozoa) or crinoids; by the sweeping of mud into banks by currents; or by the entrapment and precipitation of carbonate mud by algae and other organisms acting as baffles.

mud mound

views updated Jun 11 2018

mud mound A build-up of carbonate sediment in the form of a bank or mound, dominated by mud. The accumulation of mud occurs by its deposition in the lee of in situ organisms (e.g. corals or crinoids), by the sweeping of mud into banks by currents, or by the entrapment and precipitation of carbonate mud by algae and other organisms acting as baffles.

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