microthermal climate

views updated May 14 2018

microthermal climate A low-temperature climate of short summers, defined in the Köppen classification as having mean winter temperatures of less than −3°C. Examples include the cold boreal forest climate types in continental interiors, and along some eastern seaboards in latitudes 40–65°. The term is also applied in the Thornthwaite classification according to potential evapotranspiration and moisture-budget criteria.

microthermal climate

views updated May 08 2018

microthermal climate Low-temperature climate of short summers, defined in the Köppen classification as having mean winter temperatures of less than −3°C. Examples include the cold boreal forest climate types in continental interiors, and along some eastern seaboards in latitudes 40–65°. The term is also applied in the Thornthwaite classification according to potential-evapotranspiration and moisture-budget criteria.

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