linear sand ridge

views updated May 17 2018

linear sand ridge A submarine sand mound, typical of shallow sea and wide continental-shelf areas, 3–10 m high, 1–2 km wide, which may extend for tens of kilometres across the shelf. Individual ridges have an average spacing of about 3 km. Such ridges have been described from the North Sea (off Norfolk, England) and the eastern seaboard of the USA. They are the product of storm and tidal action.

linear sand ridge

views updated May 08 2018

linear sand ridge Submarine sand mound typical of shallow sea and wide continental-shelf areas, 3–10 m high, 1–2 km wide, which may extend for tens of kilometres across the shelf and have an average spacing of about 3 km. Such ridges have been described from the North Sea (off Norfolk, England) and the eastern seaboard of the USA. They are the product of storm and tidal action.

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