Ghyben–Herzberg relationship

views updated May 29 2018

Ghyben–Herzberg relationship Beneath oceanic islands, the thickness (d) of a lens of fresh groundwater (density ϱw) overlying sea water (density ϱm) can be determined if the height above sea level (h) of the top layer of the lens is known and the conditions are static. The relationship is d = ah = ρw/(ρm − ρw) where a is typically about 38. The relationship was discovered independently by W. Badon (sometimes spelled Baydon) Ghyben, who described it in 1888–9, and B. Herzberg, who described it in 1901.

Ghyben—Herzberg relationship

views updated May 08 2018

Ghyben—Herzberg relationship Beneath oceanic islands, the thickness (d) of a lens of fresh groundwater (density ρw) overlying sea water (density ρm) can be determined if the height above sea level (h) of the top layer of the lens is known and the conditions are static. The relationship is d = ah = ρw/(ρm −ρw) where a is typically about 38.

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