game cropping

views updated May 18 2018

game cropping The culling or husbanding of game animals for meat and other products, usually for human consumption. Game cropping is often advocated as an ecologically sound method of farming the African savannah and similar environments: it is argued that the wide variety of game animals, with their different food preferences, utilize the primary production more efficiently than cattle, and are generally better adapted to the environment. This gives added reason for conservation of the wild ungulate population. Other social, economic, and political difficulties mean that game cropping is practised less widely than may seem desirable.

game cropping

views updated May 21 2018

game cropping The culling or husbanding of game animals for meat and other products, usually for human consumption. Game cropping is often advocated as an ecologically sound method of farming the African savannah and similar environments: it is argued that the wide variety of game animals, with their different food preferences, utilize the primary production more efficiently than cattle, and are generally better adapted to the environment. This gives added reason for conservation of the wild ungulate population. Other social, economic, and political difficulties mean that game cropping is practised less widely than may seem desirable.

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