equilibrium species

views updated May 09 2018

equilibrium species A species in which competitive ability (see COMPETITION), rather than dispersal ability or reproductive rate, is the chief survival strategy: competition is the typical response to stable environmental resources. In unstable or extreme environments, e.g. deserts, equilibrium species survive unfavourable periods by living on stored food resources and reducing life processes to a minimum. Compare FUGITIVE SPECIES.

equilibrium species

views updated May 23 2018

equilibrium species A species in which competitive ability (see competition), rather than dispersal ability or reproductive rate, is the chief survival strategy: competition is the typical response to stable environmental resources. In unstable or extreme environments (e.g. deserts) equilibrium species survive unfavourable periods by living on stored food resources and reducing life processes to a minimum. Compare fugitive species.

equilibrium species

views updated Jun 27 2018

equilibrium species A species in which competitive ability, rather than dispersal ability or reproductive rate, is the chief survival strategy: competition is the typical response to stable environmental resources. In unstable or extreme environments (e.g. deserts) equilibrium species survive unfavourable periods by living on stored food resources and reducing life processes to a minimum.

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