
views updated May 14 2018

dis·tur·bance / disˈtərbəns/ • n. the interruption of a settled and peaceful condition: a helicopter landing can cause disturbance to residents. ∎  a breakdown of peaceful and law-abiding behavior; a riot: the disturbances were precipitated when four men were refused bail. ∎  the disruption of healthy functioning: her severe mental disturbance was diagnosed as schizophrenia. ∎ Meteorol. a local variation from normal or average wind conditions, usually a small tornado or cyclone. ∎  Law interference with rights or property; molestation.


views updated Jun 11 2018

disturbance A general term for low-pressure features (e.g. a depression or trough). Disturbances commonly appear as waves in the major air flows in the mid-troposphere (e.g. the equatorial easterlies, the prevailing westerlies over middle latitudes, and the trade winds).


views updated May 08 2018

disturbance General term used to denote low-pressure features, e.g. a depression or trough. Disturbances commonly appear as waves in the major air flows in the mid-troposphere, e.g. the equatorial easterlies, the prevailing westerlies over middle latitudes, and the trade winds.


views updated Jun 08 2018

Disturbance ★½ 1989

The two personas of a young schizophrenic get him entangled in a mysterious string of murders. 81m/C VHS . Timothy Greeson, Lisa Geoffreion; D: Cliff Guest.

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