
views updated Jun 08 2018

diapause A temporary cessation that occurs in the growth and development of an insect or a mammal. Insects can enter the diapause state as eggs, larvae, pupae, or as an adult; mammals, only as blastocysts. Diapause is frequently associated with seasonal environments, the insect entering it during the adverse period, and breaking from it when more favourable conditions return.


views updated May 14 2018

diapause A temporary cessation that occurs in the growth and development of an insect. Insects can enter the diapause state as eggs, larvae, pupae, or as adults. Diapause is frequently associated with seasonal environments, the insect entering it during the adverse period, and breaking from it when more favourable conditions return. See also dormancy.


views updated May 14 2018

diapause A period of suspended development or growth occurring in many insects and other invertebrates during which metabolism is greatly decreased. Some long-lived species may undergo diapause as adults, but for many others the egg is the diapausal stage. Diapause is often triggered by seasonal changes and regulated by an inborn rhythm; it enables the animal to survive unfavourable environmental conditions so that its offspring may be produced in more favourable ones.

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