
views updated May 08 2018

consistence (consistency) The resistance of soil to physical impact such as ploughing, digging, or handling. It is controlled by the degree of adhesion between soil particles. It is described when dry as loose, soft, or hard, when moist as loose, friable, or firm, and when wet as sticky, or plastic.


views updated May 29 2018

consistence (consistency) The resistance of soil to physical impact such as ploughing, digging, or handling. It is controlled by the degree of adhesion between soil particles. It is described when dry as loose, soft, or hard, when moist as loose, friable, or firm, and when wet as sticky, or plastic.


views updated Jun 27 2018

consistence(consistency) The resistance of soil to physical impact such as ploughing, digging, or handling. It is controlled by the degree of adhesion between soil particles. It is described when dry as loose, soft, or hard, when moist as loose, friable, or firm, and when wet as sticky or plastic.

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Updated Aug 08 2016 About content Print Topic

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