Clements, Alan

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CLEMENTS, Alan. British, b. 1948. Genres: Information science/Computers. Career: Loughborough University, Department of Electronic Engineering, research fellow, 1974-76, lecturer, 1976-87, reader in computer science, 1987-92, School of Computing and Mathematics, Motorola Professor, 1992-; Technical Institute of Crete, Greece, visiting professor, 1989-90; Microprocessors and Microsystems, associate editor, 1986-; Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, England, external examiner for computer science degree, 1990-94; South Bank University, London, England, external examiner, 1991-95; International Institute for Computer Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, external examiner, 1992-94; University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA, adjunct professor, 1996-97. Publications: Microcomputer Design and Construction: Building Your Own System with the Motorola 6800, 1982; The Principles of Computer Hardware, 1985, rev ed, 1993; Microprocessor Systems Design: 68000 Software, Hardware, and Interfacing, 1987, 3rd ed, 1997; Microprocessor Interfacing and the 68000: Peripherals and Systems, 1989; 68000 Family Assemblage Language, 1994. EDITOR: 68000 Sourcebook, 1990; Microprocessor Support Chip Sourcebook, 1991; Analog Interface and the DSP Sourcebook, 1993. VIDEO SERIES: Microprocessor Design, 1990. Address: University of Teeside, Borough Rd., Middlesbrough TS1 3BA, England. Online address:

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